healthy impace of wheatgrass

What Are The Health Benefits Of Wheatgrass?

One of the core ingredients of our super green powder juice is wheatgrass, and for good reason. But before we get into the health benefits, we should take a look at history of the plant.

The History Of Wheatgrass

The plant can be tracked back almost 5000 years, and was most prominent in ancient Egypt. It's apparent that these civilisations knew of the health benefits of the plant, and used the young leafy plant in their everyday diet.

However it was only relatively recently, that Charles F. Schnabel introduced wheatgrass into western culture in the 1930's. It started when he returned to health, his own chickens by feeding them freshly cut grass.

A consequence was also that they started to thrive and also product higher quality eggs than previously. Spurred on by this discovery, he started drying and powdering the grass for himself and family and friends. By the 1940s his product was in major drug stores across the USA and Canada. So began the introduction of wheatgrass powder as a supplement into western diets.


Health Benefits

The longevity of supplementing this plant into our diets is evidence that it has wide ranging health benefits. There are many studies of the impact it can have on your body if consumed everyday. 


Wheatgrass juice contains the vital blood builder, chlorophyll. The juice contains up to 70% chlorophyll. Chlorophyll molecules are almost identical to the hemin molecule, that can form hemoglobin when combined with protein.

Some proponents claim that the plant can reduce or slow down ageing. This is thought to be due to the presence of the enzyme super-oxide dismuttase. This enzymes reduces and destroys the amount of superoxide radicals in the body. This in turn is thought to slow down the ageing process.

Chlorophyll is an anti-bacterial and therefore can help heal the body from infections.

Rich In Vitamins And Minerals

The plant has an abundant amount of vitamins and mineral including vitamin A, B complex, C, E and K. It's also high in protein, with around 17 amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

Improved Nutrient Absorption & Alkalization

It's widely known that an alkaline environment for your body can reduce the chances of forming cancer. Wheatgrass prevents acidosis (high levels of acid in the body and the gut), primarily due to the high levels of chlorophyll, by naturally balancing the body's pH levels.

Improved Skin

Many people who regularly and consistently consume wheatgrass talk about the benefits it can have on their skin. Again this can be due to the high levels of chlorophyll.

Lowers Free Radical Damage

It's no surprise that the this super plant also has strong anti-oxidant capabilities. The reason for this is the reductions and inhibition of lipid peroxidation in the liver. This protects the mitochondria within cells, which in turn is thought to reduce inflammation levels and lowers the risk of diseases such as as cancer, liver and heart disease. Some of the anti-oxidants in wheatgrass include phenols, flavonoids, sulfonic acid, DPPH, triterpenoids, anthraquinol, alkaloids, tannins and saponins.


Wheatgrass has long been considered a superfood that can benefit the body on many levels, including prevention of diseases such as heath and liver disease, cancer and ageing. 

It's high in chlorophyll, proteins, nutrients and vitamins, and can help balance the pH levels in the body, reduce inflammation and provide anti-oxidant benefits. You can see here our range of organic green powder.

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